Regional Trade Agreements and Member Countries Brazil

Regional trade agreements have become increasingly important in recent times as a means of enhancing economic cooperation and integration among member countries. Brazil, one of the largest economies in Latin America, is a member of several regional trade agreements, which have propelled its economic growth and development in recent years. This article explores the various regional trade agreements that Brazil is a member of and the impact they have had on its economy.


Mercosur is an economic and political bloc comprising Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay, with Venezuela as a member in the process of integration. Mercosur was founded in 1991, with the primary objective of creating a free trade area among its member countries. Over the years, the bloc has evolved into a more comprehensive agreement, with decisions being made on a wide range of issues, including tariff reductions, common external tariffs, and the harmonization of regulations and standards.

Brazil has been a key player in the Mercosur bloc since its inception, and the agreement has had a significant impact on the country`s economy. The reduction of trade barriers among member countries has led to an increase in trade volumes, with Brazil exporting goods such as soybeans, meat, and iron ore to other member countries. The bloc has also facilitated the integration of supply chains, with Brazilian companies investing in other member countries, and vice versa.

Pacific Alliance

The Pacific Alliance is a regional trade agreement comprising Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru. The agreement was established in 2011, with the primary objective of creating a more integrated and competitive market among member countries. The Pacific Alliance focuses on issues such as the liberalization of trade in goods and services, the promotion of cross-border investments, and the elimination of non-tariff barriers.

Brazil is not a member of the Pacific Alliance, but it has participated as an observer since 2017. The country has expressed interest in joining the bloc, as it sees it as a means of diversifying its exports and potentially opening up new markets for Brazilian businesses. However, the Pacific Alliance is seen as a potential competitor to Mercosur, which may present challenges for Brazil`s integration efforts in the region.

EU-Mercosur Agreement

The EU-Mercosur Agreement is a comprehensive free trade agreement between the European Union and Mercosur. The agreement was signed in June 2019, after nearly two decades of negotiations. Once ratified, the agreement will eliminate more than 90% of tariffs on goods traded between the two regions, as well as provide greater market access for services and investments.

The EU-Mercosur Agreement has the potential to have a significant impact on Brazil`s economy, as it will provide increased access to the European market. Brazilian products such as beef, sugar, and ethanol are expected to benefit from the elimination of EU tariffs. However, the agreement has faced criticism from environmental and human rights groups, who argue that it will contribute to deforestation in the Amazon region.


Regional trade agreements have become an essential aspect of Brazil`s economic strategy, as they provide opportunities for increased trade, investment, and cooperation among member countries. The Mercosur bloc has been a driving force in Brazil`s economic integration efforts in South America, while the Pacific Alliance and EU-Mercosur Agreement offer potential new markets and opportunities for the country. As Brazil`s economy continues to grow and diversify, these regional trade agreements are likely to play an even more significant role in its economic development.